著名的学习博客Farnam Street基于查理·芒格的心智模型栅格方法,整理了一系列思考和行动的框架,用来指导人们更好地认识世界,做出更好的决策。我整理成了快速参考表格,部分可点击连接跳转原始博文或百科释义。



General Thinking Concepts 基本思维观念
Inversion 逆向思维
Falsification / Confirmation Bias 证实偏见
Circle of Competence 能力圈
The Principle of Parsimony (Occam’s razor) 奥卡姆剃刀
Hanlon’s Razor 汉隆剃刀
Second-Order Thinking 第二序思维
The Map Is Not the Territory 地图非疆域
Thought Experiments 爱因斯坦的思想实验
Mr. Market 市场先生
Probabilistic Thinking (Numeracy/Bayesian Updating) 概率思维(算术/贝叶斯修正)
Default Status 初始状态
Numeracy 运算能力
Permutations and Combinations 排列组合
Algebraic Equivalence 代数等式
Randomness 随机性
Stochastic Processes (Poisson/Markov/Random Walk) 随机过程泊松过程/马尔科夫链/随机漫步
Compounding 复合效应(复利)
Multiplying by Zero 乘零效应
Churn (Red Queen Effect) 流失,搅动
Law of Large Numbers 大数定律
Bell Curve/Normal Distribution 正态分布
Power Laws 幂律
Fat-Tailed Processes (Extremistan) 肥尾效应(极端斯坦)
Bayesian Updating 贝叶斯方法
Regression to the Mean 均值回归
Order of Magnitude 数量级思维
System 系统理论
Scale 规模
Law of Diminishing Returns 报酬递减法则
Pareto Principle 帕累托法则
Feedback Loops (and Homeostasis) 反馈环以及内稳态
Chaos Dynamics (Sensitivity to Initial Conditions) 混沌动力学(对初始条件的敏感性)
Preferential Attachment (Cumulative Advantage) 偏好依附(优势积累效应)
Emergence 涌现理论
Irreducibility 不可化归性/不可约性
Tragedy of the Commons 公地悲剧
Gresham’s Law 格雷欣法则
Algorithms 算法
Fragility - Robustness - Antifragility 脆弱-鲁棒性-反脆弱
Backup Systems / Redundancy 备份系统/冗余
Margin of Safety 安全边际
Criticality 临界态
Network Effects 网络效应
Black Swan 黑天鹅
Via Negativa - Omission/Removal/Avoidance of Harm 否定神学-去除危害
The Lindy Effect 林迪效应
Renormalization Group 重整化群
Spring-loading 螺旋加载
Complex Adaptive Systems 复杂适应系统
Physical World 物理学
Law of Thermodynamics 热力学原理
Reciprocity 相互作用力
Velocity 速度(速率和方向)
Relativity 相对性原理/相对论
Activation Energy 活化能
Catalysts 催化剂
Leverage 杠杆作用
Inertia 惯性
Alloying 合金化
The Biological World 生物学
Incentives 诱因/动机/激励
Cooperation (Including Symbiosis) 合作(包括共生)
Tendency to Minimize Energy Output(Mental & Physical) 耗能最小化趋势
Adaptation 适应
Evolution by Natural Selection 自然选择进化
The Red Queen Effect (Co-evolutionary Arms Race) 红皇后效应(进化军备竞赛)
Replication 繁殖
Hierarchical and Other Organizing Instincts 等级制度和其他组织本能
Self-Preservation Instincts 自我保护本能
Simple Physiological Reward-Seeking 简单生物求赏本能
Exaptation 延伸适应
Extinction 灭绝
Ecosystems 生态系统
Niches 生态位(利基)
Dunbar’s Number 顿巴数
Human Nature & Judgment 人性与判断
Trust 新人
Bias from Incentives 激励偏差
Pavlovian Mere Association 巴甫洛夫经典条件反射
Tendency to Feel Envy & Jealousy 天然羡慕嫉妒心
Tendency to Distort Due to Liking/Loving or Disliking/Hating 好恶造成评价偏差
Denial 否认
Availability Heuristic 可得性启发(可得性偏差)
Representativeness Heuristic 代表性启发(代表性偏差)
a. Failure to Account for Base Rates 基本比率谬误
b. Tendency to Stereotype 刻板印象
c. Failure to See False Conjunctions 关联谬误
Social Proof (Safety in Numbers) 社交证言认同(数字安全感)
Narrative Instinct 叙事本能
Curiosity Instinct 好奇心
Language Instinct 语言本能
First-Conclusion Bias 第一结论偏差/先入为主
Tendency to Overgeneralize from Small Samples 以偏概全
Relative Satisfaction/Misery Tendencies 相对的满足、相对的痛苦
Commitment & Consistency Bias 承诺偏差和一致性偏差
Hindsight Bias 事后诸葛亮
Sensitivity to Fairness 公平敏感性
Tendency to Overestimate Consistency of Behavior (Fundamental Attribution Error) 过分估计行为一致性(基本归因错误,高估内因低估外因)
Influence of Authority 权威影响
Influence of Stress (Including Breaking Points) 压力影响
Survivorship Bias 幸存者偏差
Tendency to Want to Do Something (Fight/Flight, Intervention, Demonstration of Value, etc.) 盲目行动
Microeconomics & Strategy 微观经济学和策略
Opportunity Costs 机会成本
Creative Destruction 创造性破坏
Comparative Advantage 比较优势
Specialization (Pin Factory) 专业分工
Seizing the Middle 控制中场
Trademarks, Patents, and Copyrights 商标,专利,版权
Double-Entry Bookkeeping 复式记账法
Utility (Marginal, Diminishing, Increasing) 效用(边际效用,边际效用递减,边际效用递增)
Bottlenecks 瓶颈
Prisoner’s Dilemma 囚徒困境
Bribery 贿赂(寻租)
Arbitrage 套利
Supply and Demand 供给和需求
Scarcity 稀缺性
Military & War 军事战争
Seeing the Front 看到前线/身临前线
Asymmetric Warfare 非对称作战
Two-Front War 两线作战
Counterinsurgency 镇压叛乱
Mutually Assured Destruction 共同毁灭原则(确保同归于尽)


  1. Mental Models: The Best Way to Make Intelligent Decisions (113 Models Explained)
  2. 《穷查理宝典-查理.芒格的智慧箴言录》
  3. 维基百科:认知偏差列表 Cognitive Bias
  4. The Fallacy Files